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Prosperity & Wealth
Other Concepts of Wealth
Cited from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Copyright © 2006 Wikipedia.
The Capitalist Notion of Wealth :
Industrialization emphasized the role
of technology. Many jobs
were automated. Machines replaced some workers
while other workers
became more specialized. Labour
specialization became critical to economic
success. However, physical capital,
as it came to be known, consisting of both the natural capital
(raw materials
from nature) and the infrastructural capital
(facilitating technology), became the focus of the analysis
of wealth.
Adam Smith saw wealth
creation as the combination of materials,
and technology in such a way as to capture a profit
(excess above the cost of production). The theories of David
Ricardo, John Locke, John Stuart Mill, and later, Karl Marx,
in the 18th century and 19th century built on these views of
that we now call classical economics
and Marxian economics
(see labor
theory of value).
Marx distinguishes in the Grundrisse between material
and human wealth,
defining human wealth
as "wealth
in human relations"; land
and labour
were the source of all material
Global Wealth :
Michel Foucault commented that the concept
of Man as an aggregate did not exist before the 18th century.
The shift from the analysis of an individual's wealth
to the concept of an aggregation of all men is implied in the
concepts of political economy
and then economics.
This transition took place as a result of a cultural bias inherent
in the Enlightenment. Wealth
was seen as an objective fact of living as a human being in
a society.
Not a Zero-Sum Game :
Regardless of whether one defines wealth
as the sum total of all currency, the M1 money supply
, or a broader measure which includes money,
securities, and property,
the supply
of wealth,
while limited, is not fixed. Thus, there is room for people
to gain wealth
without taking from others, and wealth
is not a zero-sum game in the long term. Many things can affect
the creation and destruction of wealth
including size of the work
force, production efficiency, available resource
endowments, inventions, innovations, and availability of capital.
However, at any given point in time,
there is a limited amount of wealth
which exists. That is to say, it is fixed in the short term.
People who study short term issues see wealth
as a zero sum game and concentrate on the distribution of wealth,
whereas people who study long term issues see wealth as a non-zero
sum game and concentrate on wealth
creation. Other people put equal emphasis on both the creation
and the distribution of wealth.
In the very long term, the amount of
raw materials
is limited to what exists in the universe. The application of
human ingenuity to raw materials
can transform these to more valuable forms, but, even if human
ingenuity is infinite, entropy may eventually put an absolute
limit on the amount of wealth
that can be created.
One's attitude towards this issue affects
the design of the social or economic system that one prefers.
The Non-Normative Concept of Wealth :
Neoclassical economics
tries to be non-normative for the most part, to be objective
and free of value
statements. If it is successful, then wealth
would be defined in such a way that it would not be preconceived
to be either positive or negative. This objective has not always
been the case. In prior eras wealth
was assumed to be a set of means of persuasion.
It was often seen as self-interested
arguments by the powerful explaining why they should remain
in power. In The Prince, Niccol? Machiavelli had commented in
that earlier era on the prudent use of wealth,
and the need to tolerate some cruelty and vice in the use of
it, in order to maintain appearances of strength and power.
Jane Jacobs in the 1960s and 70s offered
the observation that there were two different moral syndromes
that were common attitudes to wealth
and power, and that the one more associated with guardianship
did in fact require a degree of ostentatious conspicuous consumption
if only to impress others.
This logic is almost entirely absent
from neoclassical
economics, which in its extreme form argues for the abolition
of any political economy
apart from the service markets wherein favours may be bought
and sold at will, including political ones - the so-called political
choice theory popular in the U.S.A..
While it is entirely likely that such assumptions apply in the
subcultures that dominate modern discourse on technical economics
and especially macroeconomics,
the less technical notions of wealth
and power that are implied in the older theories of economics
and ideas of wealth,
still continue as daily facts of life.
Non Financial Wealth :
The 21st century view is that many definitions
of wealth
can exist and continue to co-exist. Some people talk about measuring
the more general concept of well-being.
This is a difficult process but many believe it possible - human
development theory being devoted to this. Although these alternative
measures of wealth
exist, they tend to be overshadowed and influenced by the dominant
money supply
and banking
system. For more on the modern notions of wealth
and their interaction see the article on political economy
Wealth as Time :
According to Robert
Kiyosaki, author of Rich
Dad, Poor Dad , wealth
is nothing more than a measurement of time. It is how long you
can continue to live your lifestyle
without any adjustments when you cease working.
For instance if you have a burn rate of $2,000 a month in bills
and expenses and $4,000 in the bank
and you have no other forms of income,
then you have a wealth
measurement of 2 months. If however you are simply able to increase
other forms of income,
those which are not the result of trading time for money,
to a point where they exceed your monthly burn rate, then you
will effectively reach infinite wealth.
Sustainable Wealth :
According to the author of Wealth Odyssey,
Larry R. Frank Sr, wealth
is what sustains you when you are not working.
It is net
worth, not income,
which is important when you retire or are unable to work
(premature loss of income
due to injury or illness is actually a risk management
issue). The key question is how long would a certain wealth
last? Ongoing withdrawal research has sustainable withdrawal
rates anywhere between approximately 3 percent and 8 percent,
depending on the research’s assumptions. Time, how long wealth
might last, then becomes a function of how many times does the
percentage withdrawal rate go into all the assets.
Example: withdrawing 3 percent a year into 100 percent equals
33.3 years; 4 percent equals 25 years; 8 percent equals 12.5
years, etc. This ignores any growth,
which presumably would be used to offset the effects of inflation.
greater than the withdrawal rate would extend the time assets
may last, while negative growth
would reduce the time assets
may last. Clearly a lower withdrawal rate is more conservative.
Knowing this helps you determine how much wealth
you need also. Example: you know you will need $40,000 a year
and use a 4 percent withdrawal rate, then you need to start
with $1,000,000; using 5 percent you would need $800,000, etc.
This simple “wealth
rule” helps you estimate both the time and the amount.
Wealth Redefined Individualistically :
Carrying the “wealth
rule” concept from above one step further, wealth
could then be defined as the resources
necessary to sustain a person’s specific “Standard of Individual
Living” (SOIL). It could be argued that if a person has resources
more than necessary to sustain them in life they would be called
A person can determine their “Standard of Individual Living”
by looking at what they spend today. The $40,000 example above
in “Sustainable Wealth”
could be defined as that person’s SOIL. This provides the frame
of reference to determine the time and amount of resources
needed to sustain that individual’s living standard. If they
can sustain their standard of living, they could consider themselves
A more meaningful purpose of wealth
is established with this specific individual perspective that
goes a long way to better defining retirement in the 21st Century.
Wealth in Buddhism :
According to the Buddha, giving leads
to being reborn in happy states and material
Alternatively, lack of giving leads to unhappy states and poverty.
The exquisite paradox in Buddhism is that the more we give -
and the more we give without seeking something in return - the
more wealthy
(in the broadest sense of the word) we will become.
The Creation of Wealth :
For example, consider our early ancestors.
Building a house
from trees
created something of greater value
for the builder. Hunting and firewood created food
and fed a growing family.
Agriculture converted labor
into more food
and resources.
Continuing use of resources
and effort has allowed many descendants to own much more than
that first house
This is still true today. It is more
obvious to those working
with physical material
than to a service worker
or knowledge worker.
A cubicle worker
may not be aware in how many ways their work
is creating something which is of more value
to their employer
than the amount that employer
paid to produce it. This profit
creates wealth
for the owners of the organization.
The process also provides income
for employees,
and suppliers,
and it makes the continued existence of the organization
The Limits to Wealth Creation :
There is a debate in economic
literature, usually referred to as the limits to growth
debate in which the ecological impact of growth
and wealth
creation is considered. Many of the wealth
creating activities mentioned above (cutting down trees,
hunting, farming) have an impact on the environment around us.
Sometimes the impact is positive (for example, hunting when
herd populations are high) and sometimes the impact is negative
(for example, hunting when herd populations are low).
Most researchers feel that sustained
environmental impacts can have an effect on the whole ecosystem.
They claim that the accumulated
impacts on the ecosystem put a theoretical limit on the amount
of wealth
that can be created. They draw on archeology to cite examples
of cultures that they claim have disappeared because they grew
beyond the ability of their ecosystems to support them.
Others are more optimistic. They claim
that although localized environmental impacts may occur, large
scale ecological effects are either minor (in terms of magnitude)
or non-existent. They sometimes claim that if these global scale
ecological effects exist, human ingenuity will always find ways
of adapting to them. To them, there is no limit to the amount
of growth
or wealth
that this planet will sustain.
The limited surface of Earth also restricts
potential growth
and the effects upon this planet.
The Difference between Income and Wealth
Wealth is a stock,
meaning that it is a total accumulation
over time. Income
is a flow, meaning it is a rate of change. Income
represents the increase in wealth,
expenses the decrease in wealth.
Mathematically, net income
minus expenses) can be thought of as the first derivative of
representing the change in wealth
over a period of time.
This Article Cited from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- © 2006 Wikipedia |
About the author:
This article is cited from
, the free encyclopedia. You can find the
related articles from the same web site under the following
topics or the categories : Prosperity
, Prosper
, Wealth
, Industrialization
, Labour
Specialization , Physical
Capital , Natural
Capital , Infrastructural
Capital , Adam
Smith , David
Ricardo , John
Locke , John
Stuart Mill , Karl
Marx , 18th
Century , 19th
Century , Classical
Economics , Marxian
, Labor
Theory of Value , Michel
Foucault , Man
, Political
Economy, Economics
, Cultural
Bias , The
Enlightenment , Money
Supply , Zero-Sum
, The
Distribution of Wealth , Wealth
Creation , Entropy
, Social
System , Economic
System , Neoclassical
Economics , Means
of Persuasion , The
Prince , Niccolo
Machiavelli , Cruelty
, Vice
, Jane
Jacobs , Moral
Syndromes , Guardianship
, Conspicuous
Consumption , Political
Choice Theory, U.S.A.
, Discourse
, Macroeconomics
, 21st
Century , Well-being
, Human
Development Theory , Banking
, Robert
Kiyosaki , Rich
Dad, Poor Dad , Buddha
, Buddhism
, Income
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Contents & Links |
Prosperity & Wealth of the Nation
The concept of wealth is relative and
not only varies between societies, but will often vary between
different sections or regions in the same society. For example,
a personal net worth of US $1,000,000 in most parts of the United
States Midwest would certainly place a person among the wealthiest
citizens, yet the same net wealth would be considered quite
modest on New York City's Upper East Side or in the Connecticut
suburbs. However, such amounts would constitute extraordinary
wealth in impoverished developing countries. Some of the wealthiest
countries in the world are; the United States, the United Kingdom,
Japan, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates (especially
Dubai), Germany, The Netherlands, France, Australia, Canada,
Luxembourg, Iceland, Norway and Switzerland, the larger of which
are in the G8. (Cited from Wikipedia
, the Free Encyclopedia article "Wealth"
, Click
Here to
"Individually, the term
of wealth was originally an adjective to describe
the possession of such qualities. Its definition has
gradually been developed and changed. Wealth has come
to mean an abundance of items of economic value,
or the state of controlling or possessing such items,
and encompasses money, real estate,
personal property
and net worth."
Keep up with the latest information of Prosperity
& Wealth Concept. And, update your knowledge with
our new articles and new contents about tips for developing
personal prosperity under the unique economic perspective
and for accumulating individual's wealth. Click Here
to Learn More.
Net Worth and Wealth Management
Net worth (sometimes "net
assets") is the total assets minus total liabilities
of an individual or company. For a company, this is
called shareholders' equity or net assets. To calculate
net worth, there are two primary approaches. The first
is to value all assets and liabilities at the value
they were obtained, less depreciation or plus appreciation.
This is typically done in accounting to produce companies'
balance sheets. The disadvantage of this approach, is
that the value at which an item is listed, might not
be the amount that you receive when you try to sell
it. To remedy this problem, assets are sometimes marked
to market. This means, that the value that is used for
an item is that at which you can sell it in the open
market. Using this method net worth will vary, as prices
on the open market vary. It is sometimes difficult to
find a mark to market for illiquid assets, such as real
estate and shares in unlisted companies. The estimate
has to be made then based on readily available comparable
valuations (Cited from Wikipedia , the Free Encyclopedia
article "Net Worth" , Click
Here to
"An individual who is
wealthy, affluent, or rich is someone who has accumulated
substantial wealth relative to others in their society
or reference group." To keep up with the latest
information of Prosperity & Wealth Concept, and
to update your knowledge with our new contents for the
tips how to accumulate individual's wealth, as well
as to find new articles for the topics in relative to
the prosperity: wealth,
money, real estate,
personal property
and net worth,
click here to Learn More.
Wealth & Prosperity Reviews & Reports
Wealth relates more to the flow of resources
whilst richness relates more to the static absolute value. A
wealthy individual, company or community, thus has more resources
than it needs and spends, it enjoys a positive flow of resources,
including art, beauty, spiritual well being. A rich person,
company or community can or cannot be wealthy, the adjective
identifying a quantity of richness, a static point, not a dynamic
flow. Thus we can have rich individuals who are not wealthy
and rich nations that are not wealthy. (Cited from Wikipedia
, the Free Encyclopedia article "Wealth"
, Click
Here to
All Reviews, Reports, Articles,
and Research Papers concerning prosperity and wealth
are provided by the independent web provider. They base
Their reviews or Their analyses on knowledge, personal
experience, and interview with the wealthy individuals,
richs, millionaires, multimillionaires, centimillionairs,
billionaires & trillionaires, successful busniness
men, economists, financial advisers, fund managers,
wealth-management consultants, authors, and academic
scholars, etc., who are involve in relative to the state
under the term of wealth and prosperity by definition.
Begin Search Now! Click Here
to Read More.
Wikipedia : Wealth
from the old English word "weal", which means "well-being"
or "welfare". The term was originally an adjective to
describe the possession of such qualities. .... The
opposite of wealth
is scarcity, the opposite of richness
is poverty. The term implies a social contract on establishing
and maintaining ownership in relation to such items
which can be invoked with little or no effort and expense
on the part of the owner. (Cited from Wikipedia
, the Free Encyclopedia article "Wealth" ,
Here to
This content is published
in Wikipedia under the category : "Wealth".
You can view more either in the Wikipedia under the
said topic or on our relevant webpages, Click Here
to Read More.
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Related Articles on Wealth |
Prosperity & Wealth Articles & Contents
is that point where all reasonable wealth
accumulation goals are exceeded for successive generations,
it is the epitome of financial stability, reliability, and security.
In New Age and New Thought circles the term prosperity
is often used to refer to the spiritual principle that holds
that man's birth right in this world is wealth
. Prosperity
is best achieved when one creates wealth
with wealth,
be it one's own wealth
(equity) or the wealth
of another (debt). (Cited from Wikipedia
, the Free Encyclopedia article "Wealth" ,
Here to
This content is published
in Wikipedia under the category : "Wealth".
You can view more either in the Wikipedia under the
said topic or on our relevant webpages, Click Here
to Read More .
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Paul Graham
: How to Make Wealth
"If you wanted to get
rich, how would you do it? I think your best bet would
be to start or join a startup. That's been a reliable
way to get rich for hundreds of years. The word "startup"
dates from the 1960s, but what happens in one is very
similar to the venture-backed trading voyages of the
Middle Ages.
Startups usually involve technology,
so much so that the phrase "high-tech startup" is almost
redundant. A startup is a small company that takes on
a hard technical problem.
Lots of people get rich knowing
nothing more than that. You don't have to know physics
to be a good pitcher. But I think it could give you
an edge to understand the underlying principles. Why
do startups have to be small? Will a startup inevitably
stop being a startup as it grows larger? And why do
they so often work on developing new technology? Why
are there so many startups selling new drugs or computer
software, and none selling corn oil or laundry detergent?
According to the economic
proposition, you can economically think of a startup
as a way to compress your whole working life into a
few years. Instead of working at a low intensity for
forty years, you work as hard as you possibly can for
four. This pays especially well in technology, where
you earn a premium for working fast." (Cited from The
article "How to
Make Wealth" originally published in Hackers and
Painters written by Paul
Graham - © May 2004 Paul Graham).
Here to continue reading on "How to Make Wealth,"
or Click
Here for reading on the author's other related articles
in the same book, Hackers and
Painters .
Hackers and
Painters : Big Ideas from the Computer Age
We live in the computer age,
a world increasingly shaped by programmers. Who are
they, what motivates them, and what impact will they
have on the rest of us?
impact is ever more visible. Everything around us is
becoming computerized. Your typewriter is gone, replaced
by a computer. Your phone has turned into a computer.
So has your camera. Soon your TV and VCR will be components
in a computer network. Your car has more processing
power in it than a room-sized mainframe did in 1970.
Letters, encyclopedias, newspapers, and even your local
store are being replaced by the Internet. What's next?
& Painters examines the world of hackers and the motivations
of the people who occupy it. In clear, thoughtful prose
that draws on illuminating historical examples, Graham
takes readers on a fast-moving tour of what he calls
"an intellectual Wild West."
Why do
kids who can't master high school end up as some of
the most powerful people in the world? What makes a
startup succeed? Will technology create a gap between
those who understand it and those who don't? Will Microsoft
take over the Internet? What to do about spam?
If you
want to understand what hackers are up to, this book
will tell you. And if you are a hacker, you'll probably
recognize in it a portrait of yourself. (O'Reilly, 2004,
272 pages, hardcover. ISBN 0596006624.)
Buy Hackers
and Painters at Amazon
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Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited
Rolls-Royce Motor Cars is
a BMW subsidiary responsible for the manufacture of
the Rolls-Royce Phantom.
In 1998 owners Vickers decided
to sell Rolls-Royce Motors. The most likely buyer seemed
to be BMW, who already supplied engines and other components
for Rolls-Royce and Bentley cars. However their final
offer of ?340m was beaten by Volkswagen's ?430m.
BMW and VW arrived at a solution.
From 1998 to 2002 BMW would continue to supply engines
for the cars and would allow use of the names, but this
would cease on January 1, 2003. On that date, only BMW
would be able to name cars "Rolls-Royce", and VW's former
Rolls-Royce/Bentley division would build only cars called
"Bentley". Rolls Royce's convertible, the Corniche,
ceased production in 2002. (Cited from Wikipedia , the
Free Encyclopedia under the article "Rolls-Royce
Motor Cars" , Click
Here to
Begin Surf on the sponsor's
website, "Rolls-RoyceMotorcars.com" Now!
Bentley Motors Limited
Bentley Motors Limited is
a British based manufacturer of luxury automobiles and
Grand Tourers. Bentley Motors was founded in England
on January 18, 1919 by Walter Owen Bentley, known as
W.O. Bentley or just "W.O." (1888–1971). He was previously
known for his successful range of rotary aero-engines
in World War I, the most famous being the Bentley BR1
as used in later versions of the Sopwith Camel. The
company is currently owned by the Volkswagen Group.
(Cited from Wikipedia , the
Free Encyclopedia under the article "Bentley"
, Click
Here to
Begin Surf on the sponsor's
website, "Bentleymotors.com" Now!
Maybach-Motorenbau GmbH
Maybach-Motorenbau GmbH,
founded by Wilhelm Maybach and his son Karl, was a German
manufacturer of engines for Zeppelins and later, large
and luxurious automobiles. The company has historic
roots through the involvement of its founder who was
the technical director of the Daimler-Motoren-Ge]]sellschaft
(Daimler Motor Company). Today, the brand is owned by
DaimlerChrysler and based in Stuttgart. Between 1921
and 1940, the company produced various classic opulent
In 1997, Mercedes-Benz presented
at the Tokyo Motorshow an ultra-luxury concept car under
the name Mercedes-Benz Maybach (V12, 5987 cc, 394 hp).
The concept was quite successful and it was decided
to develop it. Mercedes however took the decision to
market the car under the sole brand Maybach.
Maybach was therefore revived
as a brand in the early 2000s, with the production of
the new model in two sizes — the Maybach 57 and the
Maybach 62, (the numbers are equal to the lengths of
the automobiles in decimetres); they are priced to compete
with the top-of-the-range Bentley and Rolls-Royce automobiles.
(Cited from Wikipedia , the
Free Encyclopedia under the article "Maybach"
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Wikipedia : The Free
Since its creation in 2001,
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all around the world. This Web site is a wiki, which
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computer can edit, correct, or improve information throughout
the encyclopedia, simply by clicking the edit this page
link (with a few minor exceptions, such as protected
articles and the main page).
Wikipedia is a registered
trademark of the non-profit Wikimedia Foundation, which
has created an entire family of wiki projects. On Wikipedia,
and its sister projects, you are welcome to be bold
and edit articles yourself, contributing knowledge as
you see fit in a collaborative way.
In every article, links will
guide you to associated articles, often with additional
information. You are welcome to add further information,
cross-references, or citations, so long as you do so
within Wikipedia's editing policies and to an appropriate
standard. You do not need to fear accidentally damaging
Wikipedia when you add or improve information, as other
Wikipedians are always around to advise or correct obvious
errors, if needed, and the Wikipedia encyclopedia software,
known as MediaWiki, is carefully designed to allow easy
reversal of editorial mistakes.
Because Wikipedia is an on-going
work to which in principle anybody can contribute, it
differs from a paper-based reference source in some
very important ways. In particular, older articles tend
to be more comprehensive and balanced, while newer articles
may still contain significant misinformation, unencyclopedic
content, or vandalism. Users need to be aware of this
in order to obtain valid information and avoid misinformation
which has been recently added and not yet removed. (See
Wikipedia:Researching with Wikipedia for more details).
However, unlike a paper reference source, Wikipedia
is completely up-to-date, with articles on topical events
being created or updated within minutes or hours, rather
than months or years for printed encyclopedias.
If you have not done so, we
invite you to take a few moments to read What Wikipedia
is (and is not) and Researching with Wikipedia, so that
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or contribute to Wikipedia as you continue. To read
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