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Updated on November 6, 2006 ...
What To Look For When
Buying A First Edition Used Book.
Catherine Dahrens.
Copyright © 2006 Catherine Dahrens.
What is a First Edition Book?
A First Edition book is a book that is
the first printing of the first edition of a book. That does
not mean the first book to be printed but the first run of books
that are printed of a newly published book. There can be hundreds
or more in each printing. To find a true First Edition in a
used paperback book or used hardcover book can be very frustrating.
But is worth the effort if you find the book you want. As time
passes most used paperback books are thrown away so, a First
Edition in used paperback books are rare. The same can be said
for used hardcover books, they are generally discarded or they
no longer have their dust jackets. The dust jackets are valuable
when reselling/buying a used hardcover book. They have details
on them that help determine the book's origin. Here at www.booksatfarwest.com,
I strive to state First Edition only when the book meets the
following guidelines.
It is very hard to identify true First
Editions most of the time. Below is a list of identifications
that should appear on the copyright and/or title pages.
Wording--First Edition, First Printing,
First Impression, First Published or Published Take note that
some publishers will state "First Printing by (publisher). This
is not a First Edition but a first printing by a different publisher
than original publisher. Number line, it will look like this,
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 or 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Usually the (1)
should be on the number line. This indicates it is the 1st printing.
If the 1 is missing that usually means that the book is a second
printing. There are some publishers who remove the 1 when printing
the first edition, Random House is one. If the 1 is missing
and you are not sure of the publisher's rules it is a good idea
to consult a bibliography or guide to First Editions. The general
rule is number line should have the (1).
Dates on copyright page and title page
should agree. The phrase, Copyright 1942, should be on the copyright
page and on page where title is, usually at bottom, 1942. Sometimes
there will be a year between the dates. This is not uncommon
if book was copyright late in one year and published in the
next year. Occasionally there will be more dates with the copyright
date. This will occur when part of the book had been published
in a journal or anthology. In this case the last date should
agree with title page date. The rule for dates is they should
be the same, the copyright and title page dates.
Undated Books, rare or vintage Many of
the older books will not have dates on them. This makes if even
harder to determine a First Edition. You will need to use a
bibliography or library guide to tell for sure. Some older books
will have a date on the title page but no copyright date or
visa versa. Book Club editions also have no corresponding dates.
General rule is if dates are missing check with sources before
buying. A good seller will state if book is a Book Club Edition.
The www.booksatfarwest.com has listed
vintage books that may have been First Editions, but I could
not confirm it so they are sold as vintage books .
There are "sellers" selling book club
books as First Editions. Sometimes it is hard to tell because
of the era it was printed in. If you are interested in a certain
book and want a First Edition do your homework before purchasing.
Check out the title, book size, dates (if available,) publisher
and the color of book cover all of these will help determine
its status. Just because there is only one date on the book
does not make it a First Edition.
I hope this information will be helpful
for the new collector, when they go to purchase a used paperback
book or used hardcover book that says it is a First Edition.
Remember when buying a used paperback book or used hardcover
book, to research or ask questions if you have doubts.
This Article Written by Catherine Dahrens - ©
2006 Catherine Dahrens |
About the author:
Catherine Dahrens is the
owner of Far West Books and Gifts. Visit Catherine Dahrens and
read more articles at the
author's related site .
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Book Industry
Do you Know? ... Nowaday,
Each book is specified by an International Standard
Book Number, or ISBN, which is unique to every edition
of every book produced by participating publishers,
world wide. It is managed by the ISBN Society. It
has four parts. The first part is the country code,
the second the publisher code, and the third the title
code. The last part is a checksum or a check digit
and can take values from 0–9 and X (10). The EAN Barcodes
numbers for books are derived from the ISBN by prefixing
978, for Bookland and calculating a new check digit.
(Cited from "Keeping track of books" on
Wikipedia, the
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Here to Learn More ).
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Book Reviews & Reports
The Definition of Book: A
book is a collection of paper, parchment or other
material with a piece of text written on them, bound
together along one edge, usually within covers. Each
side of a sheet is called a page and a single sheet
within a book may be called a leaf. A book is also
a literary work or a main division of such a work.
A book produced in electronic format is known as an
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Here to Learn More ).
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Book Articles & Contents
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