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Bad credit mortgage tides over a poor credit history
By Keith Gill
Applying for a mortgage or a home loan is fraught with difficulties. You need to have a good credit history if you want your loan application process to be completed smoothly. But, for those with a Read more...


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Discover Small Business Credit Card
By Jeremy Biberdorf
Small businesses can save money on gasoline with gas credit cards too! With the Discover Business Card your business could be saving 2% on gas and 5% on office supplies. Plus you also earn 1% cash Read more...

Using Student Credit Cards to Build Solid Credit
By Morgan Hamilton
Once a student graduates from high school and heads off to college they will be tempted with student credit cards. Student credit cards are aimed at college students. They are easier to get and are Read more...

Car Reward Credit Cards - Earn a New Vehicle Now
By Jeremy Biberdorf
With a car reward credit card, your credit card spending could be earning points towards a new car or vehicle related rewards. What reward is better than a brand new car? Here is a comparison of some Read more...

(1) The financial worthiness of a borrower. The history of whether this borrower has met financial obligations on time in the past. (2) an accounting term designating money received or receivable, as opposed to debit which is money paid or payable.

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Things That A Credit Card Cannot Do For You
By Peter Kenny
Credit cards are one of the best financial tools you can have, but they can also be dangerous and leave you with lots of debt. If you are thinking about getting a card, then it important that you know the downsides as well as the benefits. This will help you to use your card more wisely and avoid getting into debt. Here is some advice what a card cannot do for you.

It cannot make you richer

Although having a card will improve your cash flow and financial independence, it does not make you richer. Many people who get into card debt do so because they see their limit as their own money. In fact, that limit is simply the amount that you can borrow from your card issuer. Instead of making you richer, every time you spend on your card you are pushing yourself into debt. The only way to stay out of this debt is to make sure you can afford to pay back what you spend.

It cannot stop your debt problems

Many people get hold of cards because they think a card will help them solve their current debt problems. If you are spending more than your income then using a card is not a good idea. Credit cards are an expensive form of borrowing, and charging things to a card will delay your problems and put you further into debt. If you are having problems with debt then consult a debt counsellor who can help you find the best way to manage your problems.

It cannot save you money

Although cards are a great convenience and can help you to buy purchases beyond your immediate means, cards don’t usually save you money. For example, if you decide to buy something on in the sale and pay for it over time, the interest payments will usually cost you more than the saving you made on the item. Credit cards usually cost you money rather than save you money. Also, the interest that you pay and the fees that you are subject to outweigh the rewards that you are usually offered

Here are some more quality articles in several websites related to credit :

on cards.

So why get cards?

Although cards can put you into debt and can be dangerous, if you are sensible and know about the risks they can be of great use. Credit cards are much more secure than using cash or cheques, and allow you to shop online where you really can save money. Also, carrying around a card is a lot more convenient than carrying around large sums of money, especially if you are travelling abroad. Furthermore, a card allows you to buy items that you can afford, just not all in one go. Although saving up for expensive items is more sensible, this is not always possible and cards allow you more freedom to spend. If you can try and pay the balance off in full each month, then you will get the most out of your card and avoid the things that cards cannot help you with.
Peter Kenny is a writer for creditcards-gb.co.uk Please visit us at Credit Card and 0% Balance Transfers Visit www.creditcards-gb.co.uk

We strive to provide only quality articles, so if there is a specific topic related to credit that you would like us to cover, please contact us at any time.

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