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The Perilous Nature of Credit Card Rates
By Morgan Hamilton
Do you use credit cards? Almost everyone these days do. Using them can be really convenient, especially if you’re not comfortable with carrying a lot of cash. The modern world can be quite dangerous Read more...


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 Bank/Credit Reviews & Reports


Debt Consolidation Can Be Essential To Your Credit Repair
By Nikola Govorko
Each on us has a particular financial position, and most of us have some kind of debt to return. It can mean both, the big home loan or a small credit card bills. It actually means that all of us Read more...

Avoid the Pitfalls of Balance Transfer Credit Cards
By Morgan Hamilton
Balance transfer credit cards can be quite a temptation for a lot of people. People can now transfer the entire balance from other credit cards to balance transfer credit cards. These credit cards Read more...

A Review of Balance Transfer Credit Cards
By Morgan Hamilton
Have you heard about balance transfer credit cards? You can now transfer the balance off other credit cards to balance transfer credit cards, which offers bonuses like low interest rates, and Read more...

The term credit can have several meanings in different contexts.

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Credit Card Fool
By Thomas A. Martucci
We allow the card industry to make fools of us and we do nothing about it. If someone told you that you were being made a fool of, wouldn’t you address the issue? I know I would.

Credit card companies have revenue of $76.03 billion dollars and the majority of this revenue comes from late penalties and over limit and cash advance fees. $29.2 billion came from late penalties, $15.2 billion from over limit fees and $3.04 billion from cash advance fees. This amount is 62% of the card companies’ revenue and this does not include finance charges. Nice profit!

The above is the reason why card companies can afford to mail over 5 billion card offers per year. This equals to 6 offers per household per month. Maybe the $2 billion in postage alone is a reason why our government does not look into the card industry seriously.

Every bank and retailer wants you to have their card. Having their card enables them to make huge profits. In 2001 both Sears and Circuit City reported that over half of their corporate profits were from finance related revenue. Do you think this could be the reason why retailers always have an employee at the front door of their store offering you

Here are some more quality articles in several websites related to credit :

to sign up for their card and in return you receive a special gift or extra “so called” discount? Most special gifts and extra discounts end up costing you more than the original purchase due to finance charges.

I may not be able to confront these institutions that are trying to make a fool of me, but I can fight back by believing that “Cash is King” and using cash instead of will save me money in the end.

It’s a New Year and personal money management should be on the top of your list for 2006.
Thomas Martucci started developing the BUDGETkeeper SYSTEM in 1999. As a business owner for 20+ yrs, he understood the need for a budget in business. At home however, it was never a necessity until a financial firestorm hit and made home budgeting a task that had to be done, like it or not. Thomas labored for several years to perfect a home budgeting system that worked for anyone. Visit our website at www.budgetkeepersystem.com for more information about the BUDGETkeeper SYSTEM.

We strive to provide only quality articles, so if there is a specific topic related to credit that you would like us to cover, please contact us at any time.

And again, thank you to those contributing daily to our credit website.

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