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What to Look for in Balance Transfer Credit Cards
By Morgan Hamilton
Balance transfer credit cards can be quite tempting. They offer a person the opportunity to ditch those nasty high interest rate credit cards, while usually throwing in some nice incentives to Read more...


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 Bank/Credit Reviews & Reports


Credit Card Debt And Your Pricey Purchases
By Joe Hanoa
One area of concern with credit card users is their possible inability to repay their cards when the monthly bills arrive. In some cases what had originally been small month to month balances Read more...

Get A Credit Report And Avoid Bankruptcy
By Nikola Govorko
In case that you have bad credit score and are not really sure how bad your credit score is, you must get a hold of your credit score report. As a regular individual you will have to obtain a Read more...

The Avantages of Using Travel Reward Credit Cards
By Morgan Hamilton
If you travel frequently, you can surely benefit from travel reward credit cards. However if you only travel once in a while, you may find that the benefit of these credit cards is offset by high APR Read more...

A means of borrowing money from a person or company and returning it at a later date, usually with accrued interest charged on top of the initial sum borrowed.

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Below, you'll find extensive information on leading travel reward credit card articles and products to help you on your way to success.


Separating Your Personal Credit From Your Business Credit!
By Trent Lee
Did you know that almost 9 out of 10 business owners start a business based off of their personal credit! They use their own saving to invest as start up capital then they personally guarantee business loans and lines of credit.

If you know how to separate your personal from your business you can separate the personal liability from the business. There is a simply and proven path to establishing business that must be followed if you are a business owner.

By establishing business credit, your chances of obtaining business financing will increase by over 250%!

As an expert in building business and the business industry, it has been my experience that less then 5% of entrepreneurs or business owners truly know what business is and how to establish business credit.

Last month I was speaking at a real estate investment seminar and was not surprised by how many business owners in the room came up to me afterwards and expressed their concern for starting a business incorrectly by not separating their personal from their business credit.

Many of them mentioned that they had anywhere from 3-9 properties in their personal name, which was negatively effecting their personal history. We spoke about the many benefits of business credit, mainly, the possibility of purchasing real estate under the corporation name without it showing up on their personal

Here are some more quality articles in several websites related to credit :


We spoke about the possibility of obtaining additional financing to fund their real estate deals or other businesses. The one thing everyone had in common was not enough funding! They knew what to do with the funding; they just were not able to obtain it.

By establishing business you will be able to literally obtain unlimited financing and eventually obtain it without a personal guarantee!

One thing is certain, if you don’t establish business you damage your personal credit, put your family at risk and dramatically lower the possibly of funding and business success!
Corporate Credit Concepts makes it easy to establish business credit. To obtain your free report on how to build business credit and obtain Unlimited Financing click here. www.freecorporatecredittips.com

We strive to provide only quality articles, so if there is a specific topic related to credit that you would like us to cover, please contact us at any time.

And again, thank you to those contributing daily to our travel reward credit card website.

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